Volunteer With Us

Be involved in the teaching of critical cardiac ultrasound skills to doctors.

The Role of a Volunteer

The role of the volunteer is to be a live ultrasound model / patient. The patient will need to lie on a bed while being scanned with an ultrasound probe. The procedure is safe and relatively comfortable.

A water-based gel is used with a small probe (about the size of a tv remote) which is applied to the patient’s chest area. Patients need to be able to lie on their left side and/or flat on their back. 

By helping at this workshop, you will be playing a part in training our current doctors in ED, ICU and other emergency settings.

Volunteer Timeslots and Info

We need volunteers for the following shifts:
Saturday morning shifts: 9am – 12noon
Saturday afternoon shifts: 1pm – 4pm
Sunday morning shifts: 10am – 12noon

Male volunteers are preferred; however, females are more than welcome.
Volunteers will need to sign a consent form. If any minor issues are seen during the scanning workshop, the volunteer will be advised to follow up with their GP as the scanning is purely for educational purposes and practice. 

Volunteers can bring their own headphones and device to listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks. You are also free to fall asleep while the scanning is taking place! 

Free street parking is available, and the site is also accessible via public transport.
Volunteers will receive a gift voucher for their participation. 

Cardiac Ultrasound Volunteers
Cardiac Ultrasound Volunteers

A Few Words About

Our Team

Based in Western Australia, our team is made up of local, experienced educators, cardiologists and clinicians with a track record of excellence in teaching.

Sam Burgoyne

Sam Burgoyne

Lead Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Stefan Buchholz

Dr Stefan Buchholz


Dr Avadhesh Saraswat

Dr Avadhesh Saraswat


Rachel Schreiber-Wood

Rachel Schrieber-Wood

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Di Bruce

Dianne Bruce

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Troy Pearce

Troy Pearce

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Troy Pearce

Shae Cromb

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Hands-On Training

Our students receive practical training with varied patient and clinical scenarios

Experienced Educators

Local cardiac sonographers and cardiologists with 10+ years clinical and teaching experience

Accredited Courses

Accredited by ASUM and recognised by ACEM, CICM, RACGP, ANZCA and ACRRM