Ultrasound Resources

Useful Websites

ASUM logo

Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine

ASUM is the peak body promoting ultrasound excellence in Australia and New Zealand. They offer a variety of educational programs and certifications, including the Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU) and the Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound (CCPU).

Philips Health Care

Philips Healthcare

Philips are an organisation committed to transforming healthcare, including evolving ultrasound to be a more intelligent, solution to enable swift and more confident decision making, for more people in more places. They have a full portfolio of point-of-care ultrasound solutions (from handheld devices to premium cart-based systems), to offer clinicians the ability to confidently diagnose and care for their patients. Philips also provide high quality, accredited and non-accredited continuing education, and are a major sponsor of Perth Cardiac PoCUS.


123 Sonography

123sonography is an e-learning platform for medical ultrasound and echocardiography, aiming to transform medical education. The commitment to producing high-quality videos through proven didactic methods and enthusiasm for the latest digital technology sets 123sonography apart from traditional education.



POCUS101 create user-centred content relevant to point-of-care users. The information is practical and easy to understand. Aimed at a wide range of health care users.


American Society of Echocardiography

ASE is an organization of professionals working to advance cardiovascular ultrasound and improve lives through excellence in education, research, innovation, advocacy, and service to the profession and the public. There are useful guidelines and educational resources, such as the Cardiovascular Point-of-Care Imaging for the Medical Student and Novice User, which introduces basic cardiac point-of-care ultrasound concepts.


College of Intensive Care Medicine

The College of Intensive Care Medicine is the body responsible for intensive care medicine specialist training and education in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. This site provides detailed information about competency in regards to Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in Intensive Care.


Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

ACEM is the not-for-profit organisation responsible for training emergency physicians and advancement of professional standards in emergency medicine in Australia and New Zealand. This site provides detailed information about the use of focused ultrasound in emergency medicine.

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

ACRRM is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for setting professional medical standards for training, assessment, certification and continuing professional development in the specialty of general practice. They are the only College in Australia dedicated to rural and remote medicine and play an important role in supporting junior doctors and medical students considering a career in rural medicine. ACCRM administers the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP). PCP workshops are considered as eligible training under this program.

Meet our Lead Educators

Based in Western Australia, our team is made up of local, experienced educators, cardiologists and clinicians with a track record of excellence in teaching.”

Sam Burgoyne

Sam Burgoyne

Lead Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Dr Avadhesh Saraswat

Dr Avadhesh Saraswat


Rachel Schreiber-Wood

Rachel Schrieber-wood

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Di Bruce

Dianne Bruce

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Troy Pearce

Troy Pearce

Cardiac PoCUS Educator

Frequently Asked Questions

Point-of-care Ultrasound can potentially improve patient outcomes, by minimising the delay between onset of symptoms and initation of definitive therapy.

  • ASUM policy – ASUM Standards of Practice
  • ACEM policy – click here to view
  • CICM policy – CICM – Become an ICU trainee
ASUM is the main organisation in Australia that provides ultrasound credentialling. To find out more about these formal certifications or credentials, including the Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU) and the Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound (CCPU), visit: www.asum.com.au

PCP have a range of tutoring options that we tailor specifically to you. We offer in-house solutions, where we come to your place of work. We also provide external solutions, at the Philips headquarters in Jolimont, Perth, or at other sites convenient to you. Tutoring can be one-on-one or group sessions, either as a one-off session or regular sessions throughout the year. Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your options! 

Email us now at info@perthcardiacpocus.com.au

Yes! Participants can apply for the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) through ACRRM to cover costs incurred when attending one of the PCP Cardiac PoCUS Workshops. To see if you are eligible, visit https://www.acrrm.org.au/support/grants/rpgp

  • ASUM: 13 myASUM CPD points for the duration of the course (meets requirements for the Rapid Cardiac Echocardiography CCPU Unit)
  • CICM – Approved for CICM Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Course requirements; CPD Accreditation for Category 2B: Active or Interactive Group Learning (2 points per hour)
  • RACGP: CPD program participants can self-report and claim 19 points (2 points per hour)

Yes! You can enrol in one of our Cardiac PoCUS workshops even if you are not planning on undertaking ASUM’s CCPU.